Friday 10 May 2013

South east Asia something

Since my last post I have successfully handed in the dissertation from hell and booked a one way flight to Bangkok on the 9th September of this year. I will then fly to Sydney at the end of November. Genuinely cannot wait to leave England and see the world, something I have only recently thought about doing, however, being the impulsive person that I am booked it two days after I made the decision along with my sister and a few friends.

University has had so many highs and lows for me and often at times felt that I didn't want to carry on. I've had extensions and extenuating circumstances, failed (one!!!) assignment, 20 hour stints in the library and left everything I have done until the last minute. Despite this, I have met the most amazing friends, gone from living in a show apartment to a slum above a bar, completed a semester abroad at an American university and (relatively) achieved grades I didn't know were possible. I genuinely have laughed the whole way through third year, disregarding dissertation hell and not showering for days in the final all nighters in UCLan library. Two more assignments in for next Friday and I am officially free from education!  Only a few people know how challenging the past three years have been for me, and I am holding my breath in anticipation for results!

Bring on graduation :-)